I took a full school year off from this blog, because it finally happened - I was taken out of the full-day, fixed specials schedule last year and scaled back to just 5th grade specials, every other day, every other 6 weeks! My media specialist dreams came true! 😍 The joy of actually collaborating with teachers to provide lessons that were authentic, engaging, and timely for our students was phenomenal! I was able to implement ideas as I discovered them, like How to Catch STEAM Week for 1st and 4th grade classes and Very Hungry Caterpillar Day for kindergarten!
I had time to start reorganizing our picture book section to make it more user-friendly for students and to promote different series. I was able to see all of our K-2 students every week for a read aloud, book checkout and activities! Our library could accommodate teachers who wanted to use the space to read to their students or have class in a room that wasn't their regular classroom! We held author visits and book fairs - in the library, and I got to be a part of them!! I had time to create and promote monthly reading challenges for K-5, and the ability to award kids lunch-in-the-library-with-a-friend passes! A teacher commented that I must be doing some "voodoo" in the library to get her 3rd graders to want to read biography books. 😆 We circulated 12,717 more books than the previous year!
A flexible schedule revitalized my work soul. I added to our program by creating and vetting monthly, online choice boards, that were inspired by Shannon McClintock Miller. I published a monthly newsletter, with not only a section for students, but also a section for families with tips from Common Sense Media and reminders about what was happening at our local, Sharon Forks Public Library. I was able to start our @sharoncastlelibrary Instagram account, and we won $1,000 from Sourcebooks Kids Publishing for participating in How to Catch STEAM Week. Receiving those funds meant I was able to do Chibitronics circuit and coding lessons with two, 4th grade classes, alongside their Georgia Milestones review! I was also able to do a full inventory without have to stay until 7 PM to get it finished. It was a glorious year, and I think this coming year will be even more remarkable! I hope to start a couple of after school clubs built around STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math), and I want to try out some other lesson ideas to implement Chibitronics now that I have a greater understanding of how to build circuits. (Thanks again, Infosys Foundation, USA for the Pathfinders Institute and the opportunity to learn this summer!) I hope you can tell from all the exclamation points how excited I am about this coming school year. I do encourage you to take a look into our library adventures by following us on Instagram @sharoncastlelibrary and/or following along on Twitter @ginnymoy.
Here's to a wonderful, new school year! 💕
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