What's that? Don't know what a modal auxillary is? Neither did I, or at least I didn't know I knew what one was. (a random and new Common Core Standard) It's those verbs like Can I help you? Should you take a jacket? May I get some water? While I did get a great free Powerpoint on Teachers pay Teachers from Eileen Mays in Eatonton, Georgia, it was trusty Pinterest to the rescue. Virginia Chronakis' pin via Diane Rodrigues' pin led me to an ESL worksheets site, iSLCOLLECTIVE. I chose "English" as my primary language, but they seem to have to have grammar worksheets for multiple other languages. Simply create a free account, and begin downloading everything you could ever need. You can also create and upload items to share and give back.
Forsyth County, GA posted a link to the pacing guide they have created for next school year. I printed it out and took it home to look it over and start planning for next August. I know, I know. I'm working on the first day of summer vacation, but I need to wrap my brain around the new standards and how they will mesh together with science and social studies. Here is what I created for quarter 1 English/Language Arts. (Hopefully, the following quarters won't be so time consuming!) Everything in black type was provided by the county or the Common Core Standards website. Everything in blue type is something of my own that I added. Here is what I created for quarter 1 math common core content.
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