Scrolling back through the photos on my phone - wow, what a full year it's already been, and it's only the beginning of November! I'm just so grateful to work with the amazing students and staff at my wonderful school! Went back to an oldie, but goodie - Quiver Vision app to make our Dot Day come to life with virtual reality. I gave students the option to donate their dot to our display, if they didn't want to take it with them. I've seen cute, color-coordinated Dot Day displays on Pinterest, but I LOVE letting the kids express themselves and make a dot that is uniquely theirs. Last year's 5th Grade Class Legacy Project donated enough money to buy our library 2 sets of Cubetto and some new, non-fiction books! Both kindergarten and first grade have already done coding in the library! Students coded routines, and subroutines, to move Cubetto around the map. The excitement in their voices is priceless! I added a fun les...
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