In the summertime, I usually follow this pattern: stay up super late into the wee hours of the morning, sleep in until around 10 a.m., and then mill about all day. As the days tick by, I then stop knowing what day or date it is and stop remembering the things that are told to me. My husband and I go for a week to some beach, and I typically spend a week at home in Alabama with my family. I do try out lots of new recipes from my Pinterest board, and I do catch up on reading all the books I want. I also stress out a bit about the impending school year, knowing that 40+ hour weeks lie ahead of me, yes, even as a librarian! But typically, the highlight of my day is going to the mailbox to get the mail. Three glorious minutes in the sunshine. However, this summer is completely unlike any of the ones before. My husband, Michael Daniels , is currently out of a job due to a lay off. He has been out of work since April. We decided to put hi...
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